proactive administration Committee
The proactive administration Committee is a decision-making body responsible for providing guidelines for tasks in relation to proactive administration and deliberating on issues concerning proactive administration at each government agency
Matters subject to the deliberation of the proactive administration Committee: Article 50-2 of the State Public Officials Act and Article 11 and 16 of the Regulations on proactive administration
- Matters concerning the establishment of action plans for proactive administration
- Matters requiring opinions from the Committee at the direct request of civil servants
- Matters concerning the selection of best practices and top-performing civil servants
- Matters requiring an in-depth review by the Committee at the request of the head of self-audit bodies, considering their possible impact on the public’s lives or involvement of diverse stakeholders
- Other matters concerning the establishment and implementation of proactive administration policies, including identification of new tasks for proactive administration
- Matters concerning an exemption request by the civil servant who is subject to an audit inspection by the Board of Audit and Inspection under the Board of Audit and Inspection Act as a result of proactive civil services