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Latest News
- Signing of MOC between MPM and the State Agency for Civil service and Local Self-Government Affairs under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic
- Global young civil servants networking workshop was held on November 21st
- MPM held the second annual meeting of the Asia Public Service Network, co-hosted by OECD, on November 20th in Seoul.
- Bilateral Meeting between MPM and Cabinet Secretariat of Government of Mongolia
- MPM attended the 7th Heads of Civil Service Meeting for the ACCSM+3 held in Brunei Darussalam
Korea Today
- First ROK-U.S. call under 'Trump 2.0': ROK-U.S. alliance, the linchpin of security
- FM Cho discusses cooperation with EU foreign policy chief, USFK commander
- Medical Korea Information Center relocates to Seoul Station
- Charity voucher program for produce, food expanded
- Events in SE Asia to promote travel to Korea to ASEAN nat'ls