Electronic Personnel Management System (e-Saram)
- The electronic personnel management system refers to both the ‘standard personnel management system’ that supports the personnel affairs of each central administrative agency and the ‘central HR policy support system’ that supports the human resource (HR) policies and HR management of the Ministry of Personnel Management
- It also refers to the overall system that links the 'standard personnel management system' and 'central HR policy support system'
- The system integrates and manages data related to personnel, salaries, performance evaluations, education and training, and service of civil servants and uses IT technologies to automate and streamline related tasks
- The ‘e-Saram’ system can be divided into the C/S-based 1st generation system, which laid the foundation for the first electronic personnel management system, and the web-based 2nd generation system, which has been upgraded to the next generation system under a new environment