Recruitment Quota for Regional Talent
- In order to promote the balanced development of the country and the entry into the civil service of outstanding regional talent, the government, since 2007, has introduced the Recruitment Quota for Regional Talent in open competitive recruitment exams for Grade 5 state public officials. In 2015, this scheme was expanded and implemented in open competitive recruitment exams for Grade 7.
- It applies to exam units that plan to recruit ten or more people in open competitive recruitment exams for Grades 5 and 7 as well as exams for the selection of diplomat candidates. Additional recruitment of regional talent is carried out until the number of new recruits (successful candidates from schools located outside of Seoul) meets the specified quota (Grade 5/diplomat candidates: 20%, Grade 7: 30%).
Nationwide Recruitment of Recommended Local Talent
- Since 2005, the Korean government has been implementing the “Nationwide Recruitment Based on the Recommendation of Local Talent”, an internship-based recruitment initiative to enhance local representation among civil servants, promote the balanced development of the country and help people with high school educations secure government jobs.
- This scheme was applied to recruitment of Grade 6 civil servants in 2005 and was expanded to include recruitment of civil servants of Grade 7 in 2010 and of Grade 9 in 2012.
- In cases where local talent is recruited for Grade 7, individuals who have acquired or are expected to acquire a Bachelor’s degree are selected through recommendations by the school. After a one-year probationary period, it is decided whether or not to appoint them as Grade 7 civil servants in general service. Likewise, in cases where local talent is recruited for Grade 9, individuals who have graduated or are expected to graduate from a specialized or Meister vocational high school are selected through recommendations by the school. After a six-month probationary period, it is decided whether or not to appoint them as Grade 9 civil servants in general service.