Recruitment of Persons who Majored in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)
- With the recent acceleration of the knowledge-based economy, technological innovation in new technologies has emerged as a key element of national competitiveness, and the demand for policies based on scientific thinking is increasing significantly. Accordingly, there is an urgent need to secure human resources with science- and technology-based expertise and insight in the major national policy-making processes such as in the economy, industry, education and budget planning.
- The Ministry of Personnel Management is making efforts to enable more persons with STEM backgrounds to join the civil service by appointing at least 40% of newly recruited civil servants for Grade 5 and more than 30% of senior civil servants as science and engineering civil servants. In addition, in order to foster a scientific and technological mindset in the civil service, the Ministry is promoting mandatory science and technology education in the basic curriculum and expanding specialized science and technology education.